"A Buck-A-Year Holiday Carol"
(author unknown)

Twas the night before Hunting, it was crisp and damp,

Not a hunter was stirring, they were all in camp. 

The clothes were hung by the stove with care,

And also a bottle of Air-Wick was there;

The oldsters were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of  Bucks  danced in their heads;

 Bucky  in his touque, and Jules in his  cap,

Had the group settled down for a long winter nap,

When out on the porch there arose such a clatter,

All sprang from their  beds to see what was the matter.

Away to the window Luke flew like a flash,

Tore open the shutters and fell on his ash.

The moon on the breast of the maiden snow

Gave the luster of pleasure to those in the know,

When, what to their wondering eyes should appear,

A sleigh, a buck, and eight tiny deer,

With a fiendish smile , and so burly and slow

We knew in a moment they must have  Czar in tow.

More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,

And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

"Now, Bob!  Now Wayne!  Now Hawk  and Murph!

On, Rudy! on Jim! on, Tony and Joe!

To the top of the porch! to the top of the hill!

Now dash away! dash away! get away from the kill!"

So up to the mountain-top the coursers they flew,

With an ATV trailing and Czar too.

And then, in a twinkling, It was heard on the roof

The thump and bump  of each big hoof.

As heads were drawn in , and were turning around,

Down the chimney Czar came,

 with a bump and a bound.

He was dressed in camo, from his head to his foot,

His clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;

A bundle of clothes he had flung on his back,

 His gun on his chest

He needed a rack.

His eyes -- how they twinkled!  His dimples how merry!

The fire on his butt had made him cozy and merry!

He had a broad face and a little round belly,

That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.

He was light and spry , a right jolly old chap,

The only Czar with a red tasseled cap;

With a wink of his eye and a twist of his head,

We knew now we had nothing to dread;

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,

 moving swift and smooth without a jerk. 

He then turned about and struck a pose,

approached the chimney and there he froze;

The fire was roaring and it was hot, his trip down he had not forgot.

He ambled over, gave the door a glance, 

tucked in his shirt and pulled up his pants.

He opened the door and to his surprise,

His sleigh and team were gone before his eyes.

He mumbled and fumbled as he looked around,

Tripped on the porch and fell to the ground.

He picked himself up and started to walk,

We called him back in and started to talk.

It seemed that one so soiled and tattered

Needed some cheer and nothing else mattered.

Now humbled and glad,

He decided to stay,

He opened the cards and invited all to play.

But the room was dark and the hour late,

Rudy's breakfast feast was not to wait.

The call went out to the remaining members.

The response was swift and to their surprise

The sight of the Czar was good for their eyes.

The Czar's response was subtle and quick,

We  knew in a moment he was a clone of St. Nick

His work at camp was now complete,

He could now depart and admire his feat,

His final remarks as he drove out of sight :

"Jules, get the charges for supper right",

Happy Hunting to All and to All a Good Night !!!!
