At the early age of twenty four my mother said go forth,
Get up said she and get a job, says I, "I'll travel north."

I pulled on my Gucci loafers to find some bread to bake,

I took a wrong turn in Warrensburg and wound up in Tupper Lake

Once this quiet crossroads was a place of industry,

Where lumberjacks assembled and they cut down all the trees.
The summer winds were full of bugs, the winters were the worst.
 But forty bars along the main, could quench a mighty thirst.

Then came the man from Wawbeek, Jim Lavalley was his name.
Ever since he's taken over Tupper's never been the same

Be God say's Jim it's ten long years since skiing was about.

It's time for a little miracle and he pulled his cell phone out.


Oh from Fatima, to Bethlehem,
 to Lourdes, for goodness sake, 
You've never seen a Miracle, 
like the one in Tupper Lake

Like rain upon a summer's day the critics did appear.
 'Denial was their battle cry, "it will never happen here"

But stouter hearts came on the job to all the world's surprise.
They formed a hearty little band and labeled it ARISE.

We've had the Tenth Mountain come and train, bold Jamie did declare,
And Bobby Kennedy, he appeared just over there

Now do you mean to tell me, he'd shudder and he'd shake,
that we are not entitled to ski in Tupper Lake.

People came from everywhere to shovel and to sweep.

They pulled the debris from the lodge, in places ten feet deep
Billy got his groomer running, Cliffy climbed upon the steel.
To the wonderment of everyone came the turnin' of the wheels.


Oh from Fatima, to Bethlehem,
 to Lourdes, for goodness sake
You've never seen a Miracle ,
like the one in Tupper Lake

As winter faded into spring it was time to celebrate;

At P-2s bar the crowd proclaimed the season simply great.
Jim filled Tom with beer and whisky and got him to agree
 They'd push their luck a little more and open up chair three !!!

Once again the people came in hopes of having fun.
Hoffer had his chainsaw out and cleared up Charlie's run.

The gears were greased,· the bull wheels turned and brush began to drop·
And when the snow fell to the ground we were open to the top.

                Now everyone is happy that the Miracle is complete          (slightly slower and softer)
                          Jameser got his ski slope and it goes two thousand feet.

All sorts of folks can play there, of that there's little doubt (pick up pace and louder)
It'll be handy now for Tupper to Knock the Council out!  


Oh from Fatima, to Bethlehem,
 to Lourdes, for goodness sake,
 You've never seen a Miracle,
 like the one in Tupper Lake

We all have to pray for snow me boy's we all have to pray for snow.
We all have to pray for snow me girl's we all have to pray for snow.
We pray for snow and pray for snow, on our knees we pray for snow.

Two thousand feet of ski slope is an awful long way to go, Oh, Oh ...