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12-20-15 First Finishers
Doug and Sarah Bencze "First Finishers"
Mt Arab
Mt Arab Summit
Coney Mt Summit
Goodman Mt Summit
Goodman Trailhead- Finish
Donut Shop
Nate Shaheen--Coney - Goodman- Arab
Paul/Jane Quinn
John Quinn Deb Lavigne
Mt Arab
Goodman Mt
Goodman Mt
Coney Mt
12-25-15 Christmas Day
John & Nancy Merrihew
John Merrihew
Anne Maltais
Maureen Shaheen - Goodman- Coney- Arab
Alek & Nicholas Shanks- Richmond Vt.
Mike "Bird" Mamrosh/ Mike "Head" Kelly
1-17-16 Elizabeth Smith and Jada/ Faith on Goodman summit.
Wayne Roberts
-Mt Arab 1-28-16-
Charlie Hoffer
01-31-16 Sierra- Tina Merrihew - Cheyenne
TL Boy Scout Troop 23
TL Boy Scout Troop 23
Tupper Lake Triad Summer Start
Ted Merrihew/ Gordy Duval
Artwork by Nathan Shaheen
Easter Bunnies on the trail
Bringing up the rear
Big Tupper / Goodman Mt
Mt Arab Stair
Mt Arab Lake / Eagle Crag Lake
03-26-16- "Baxter" / Anya/ Nick/ Lindsay
05-03-16 "Cade" Tracy Thomas
12-31-15 Pat Quinn
I do not claim to be the first "Lumberjack" (graduate of TLHS) or the first
"Lumberjack (indiv who cuts down trees).
I do wonder if I am the first "Lumberjack"(wearing a Lumberjack 'costume'). The
Lumberjack costume I wore was
just articles of clothing made for the lumberjacks of the past.
These articles of Lumberjack clothing were also
bought 40 years ago from a store that was serving Lumberjacks of the much more
distant past. Larocque's and
later the National Army Stores. And to complete the
ensemble I carried my father, Patrick E. Quinn's double
bladed axe because, yes it completed the costume, but because my father would
have very much liked the idea of
and doing the Triad. In my father's day he could walk away from my twin
brother, Paul, and I in the woods.
The administrator of this site can attest why that would be a feat !
Gary Allen VanRiper
07-30-16 "Jaxx" Jason Duval
10-18-16 "Piper"- Howard/Lynn Manning
Kerry Davis- Plattsburgh NY