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Saturday- April 16  Relay Carnival @ OFA                     RESULTS

Monday- April 18  Modified #1 @ Malone                        RESULTS                      


Thursday- April 21  Tupper / Massena / @ Potsdam      
                                                                                    Boys:    TL - 56                  Pot  - 169                  Results          Smartphone
                                                                                                  TL - 82                 Mass-149                

                                                                                    Girls:     TL- 97                  Pot-     170                 Results          Smartphone
                                                                                                  TL- 95                  Mass- 170               


Thursday - April 21 Modified #2 @ Canton                        All Results


Wednesday - May 4  Modified #4 @ Potsdam                  All Results


Thursday - May 5 Tupper / Canton / Gouverneur @ Gov.

                                                                                        Boys:     TL-  37                 Canton-  176             Results  
                                                                                                       TL-  40                 Gouv-     176

                                                                                        Girls:      TL-  ?                   Canton-  155
                                                                                                       TL-  81                 Gouv-     206    



Friday  - May 6 Modified #5 @ Tupper Lake                        All Results                                  Smartphone


Monday  - May 9 Modified #6 @ Gouverneur                           Boys Results                  Girls Results


Tuesday - May10 Tupper / Malone / Norwood  @ Tupper Lake.

                                                                         Boys:       TL-   41                Malone-   181                            Results                   
                                                                                          TL-   67              Norwood-  140                            Results       Not Smartphone Friendly

                                                                         Girls:       TL-    98             Malone-       181                           Results                
                                                                                         TL-   104            Norwood-    171                           Results       

Friday- May 13 Modified #7 Malone                                                  Results


Saturday- May 14 Section X Invitational @ Malone                    Second Place out of 12 teams.  5 points from winning it all.     Results         Photos  (by Coach Merrihew)

                                                                                     Outstanding Sprinter Award:  Tess Klossner  (1st 400 Meters /   1st 400m hurdles)

                                                                                     Outstanding Thrower Award:  Katie Zurek  (1st  Shotput / 1st Discus)

                                                                                     Outstanding Jumper Award:   Sophia Martin  (1st Triple Jump /  2nd long jump / 3rd  High Jump)

                                                                                     Casey O'connor : ( 2nd Shotput / 2nd Discus) 

                                                                                     Kasandra Sipler:    Discus 5th Place

                                                                                     Boys 4 x 100m relay :     5th place   (Connor Jessie- Jaden LaValley- Cody Pioli- Ben Reicher-Lanthier)


Monday - May 16 Modified #8 @ OFA                         Results                                 


Wednesday - May 18 Tupper / OFA / Mad-Wad @ Mad-Wad

                                                              Boys:        TL-  53           OFA-  148                    Results

                                                                                TL-  54.5        MW-  140                    Results   


                                                             Girls:          TL - 109        OFA -  143                    Results

                                                                                TL-  103        MW-  143                     Results   


Friday - May 20 Modified #9 @ Canton


Saturday - May 21 VanDusen @ OFA

                                                                                    BoysResults                  GirlsResults            Team Results


                                                                 Outstanding Female Thrower Award:   Katie Zurek
                                                                 Outstanding Female Jumper Award:     Sophia  Martin

Tuesday -May 24 Clifton Fine / Salmon River /TL @TL

                                                                      Boys:        TL-   112     Clifton Fine- 38            Results

                                                                                        TL-    36      Salmon Riv- 108         Results            

                                                                      Girls:         TL-   132     Clifton Fine-  38          Results  

                                                                                        TL-   132     Salmon River- 67       Results


Thursday- Friday - June 2 / 3 Sectional Meet @ Ogdensburgh       Complete Results 
